Thursday, April 15, 2010

Garden Reading for the Wet Coast

I'm curious as to what books or magazines are your "go to" source for information? Lately, I've got three main sources: the West Coast Seeds seed catalog (and their website, but I have a copy of the seed catalog specifically for when I'm out in the garden; lots of specific advice about each plant), Trina Mattson's monthly column in Tofino Time, (her column isn't always on-line so you'll have to be sure to pick up a copy of Tofino Time each month) and Linda Gilkeson's Year-Round Harvest: Winter Gardening on the Coast. I also look to The Twelve Month Gardener: A West Coast Guide, which I think might be out-of-print as I can't find it on the publisher's website.

As for magazines, there's lots of "garden porn" in those hard-to-resist magazines, but the ones I find most practical and useful are GardenWise, Gardens West and sometimes Sunset Magazine.

What are your favourites?


  1. i go to "Carrots Love Tomatos" to learn about companions plants. Carolyn Herrriots, "A Year on the Garden Path" and the West Coast Seeds mag/website are good for keeping me on track. .Steve Solomon's 2 books "Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades" and "Gardening When it Counts" for general gardening info on specific plants. Oh, and the Harrowsmith Norther Gardener by Jennifer Bennett. And anything else I can get my hands on. And then I go and experiment in the garden. :)

  2. Thanks, Leah. I've just picked up Herriot's A Year on the Garden Path and it's my morning (and evening) read of the moment. Lots of great info. for the west coast.
