Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bulb Planting 101 for Procrastinators

As a writer I can always find a million tasks to avoid the deadline at hand. (This blog, perhaps?) Surprisingly, planting bulbs at the right time of year never seems to be one of the distractions I get to at the right time — in this case, the fall.

The tendency toward procrastination means I often find myself with a bag full of unplanted bulbs in the spring. Gardening wisdom tells me it's too late and I'll have to wait until next year. This year I decided to ignore that advice and planted them in pots anyhow. Happily, it is very spring-like in my garden (and on the west coast!) at the moment with these pots of tete-a-tete daffodils in bloom. I believe some narcissus are about to open, too. These were planted in pots in March.

So there garden wisdom. It never hurts to play around. I'm off to find a lemon tree.

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